At Avenue Health we have been treating people with orthotics for many years. The system we use has a unique way of measuring the bones of the feet, not only in a fixed position but as the patient walks over the pressure mat, which ensures the most accurate assessment can be made. As a result, the orthotics produced in this manner are a perfect fit and provide the correct amount of support where needed. In the 11 years Avenue Health has been using the TOG (The Orthotic Group) GaitScan equipment, we have prescribed hundreds of pairs of orthotics. Many people go on to purchase a second pair!
What Are Orthotics?
Orthotics are specialised custom-made shoe insoles that have been specifically constructed to support your feet and correct any imbalance or loss of arch height. Orthotics are like reading glasses for your feet, supporting the ligaments of the feet that have been stretched or have lost some elasticity.
RunFlex OrthoticDiabeticFlex
Why TOG Orthotics?
TOG orthotics are made from a smart material (thermoplastic) that always springs back to its original shape and will not compress with age as conventional orthotics do. This means TOG offer a lifetime guarantee for their product.
Why Do People Need Orthotics?
If your feet are not performing properly, their biomechanics, it can not only lead to foot pain but a host of other complaints, such as:
Bunions and hammer toes.
Arch and heel discomfort.
Pain in knees and legs.
Hip or back pain โ even neck pain.
Various sizes of SuperFlex
Correctly prescribed custom-tailored orthotics are specifically designed to solve these problems, making your day-to-day life easier, and giving you a better quality of life. Our orthotics are designed to comfortably fit into your existing shoes, and therefore you will not need to buy new ones. They are comfortable to wear and gently alleviate the symptoms in your feet and the other affected parts of your body. In no time at all, you will be able to enjoy your normal daily activities without pain.
Pronated (left), Supinated (middle) and Corrected with Orthotics (right)
The Gait Scan at Avenue Health
Why Feet Are So Important
Your feet need to perform correctly to support the rest of your body. Just like the foundations of a building, everything above relies on their integrity. Knee, hip and back problems are often the first sign that your feet are not correctly supporting you. If these problems are left uncorrected, they will become more serious and can, in some cases, lead to debilitating conditions such as osteoarthritis.
Did you know the average person takes 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day? That adds up to about 115,000 miles in a lifetime or more than four times around the world! Each of these steps has a direct impact on the rest of your body. Therefore, even a small foot issue over time can create bigger problems in the joints and muscles above.
People lose the correct posture and shape of their feet for several reasons. There can be a genetic weakness that runs in families, it could be a result of injury or the normal ageing process. Also, people who are on their feet all day, sports and keep-fit enthusiasts, and people who have put on weight over the years, can overload the ligaments in their feet, leading to loss of arch height.
3D Scanning
When you walk your foot is on the ground for just over half a second, and when you are running it is only on the ground for a quarter of a second. This makes it incredibly difficult to assess accurately with the human eye.
The great advantage of the GaitScan system is that the pressure mat records 300 measurements per second as you walk over it. With this information, we can make a good assessment as to whether you would benefit from orthotics. This is far superior to laser scanners, foam boxes and plaster casts that only capture an impression of your foot in one position.
What to expect
Primary Assessment. You will be asked questions regarding the history and symptoms of your complaint. A visual and manual assessment of your feet will be made with you standing, performing movements and lying on the couch.
The Foot Scan. You will be asked to stand, squat and walk over the pressure plate, and thousands of sensors will record the amount of pressure and the time you spend weight-bearing on all the different bones of your feet.
The Report. With the information gained from the scan, a 2D and 3D image can be viewed, and various graphs and tables will be produced and printed out, showing areas of pressure, and how the foot performs.
The Consultation. The results of the scan will be explained to you and an assessment will be made as to whether the feet are functioning correctly and if you would benefit from orthotics.
Making the Orthotics. If orthotics are necessary, the information will be sent digitally to the laboratories in Canada, where the orthotics will be made. You can expect your orthotics to be ready to collect in about 2-3 weeks.
Your Orthotics. When your orthotics arrive at the practice, you will be called and a short appointment will be arranged for you to collect the orthotics and be given instructions and advice on how to wear them and achieve the maximum benefit from them.