Cardiac Rehabilitation – Phase 4 Exercise Classes
Face-to-Face Classes in Surbiton & Purley, Surrey or Online with Cardiac Lauren
Cardiac Rehabilitation group exercise classes are low-impact and fun exercise classes which are suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Lauren runs classes in Surbiton and Purley throughout the week, and everyone is welcome, even if you have not had a heart event. See the video below to see what face-to-face classes look like.
Day | Venue | Time | Level | Price |
Mondays | Surbiton Hill Methodist Church Hall Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6AF | 9.45-10.45am | Moderate-to-High Intensity | £10 |
Tuesdays | Purley United Reformed Church 906 Brighton Road, Purley, CR8 2LN | 5-6 pm | Low-to-Moderate Intensity | £7.50 |
Tuesdays | Purley United Reformed Church 906 Brighton Road, Purley, CR8 2LN | 6.15-7.15pm | Moderate-to-High Intensity | £7.50 |
Wednesdays | Surbiton Hill Methodist Church Hall Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6AF | 9.45-10.45am | Moderate-to-High Intensity | £10 |
Wednesdays | Surbiton Hill Methodist Church Hall Ewell Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6AF | 11am-12pm | Low-to-Moderate Intensity | £10 |
Fridays | Purley United Reformed Church 906 Brighton Road, Purley, CR8 2LN | 10.45-11.45am | Low-to-Moderate Intensity | £7.50 |
Explanation of levels:
Low-to-Moderate Intensity – slower pace, longer rest between exercises, seated options available if required.
Moderate-to-High Intensity – faster pace, bigger movements (including knee bending and possible jumping), shorter rest between exercises.
Online Cardiac Rehab Exercise Classes
Come and join Cardiac Lauren at
Phase 4 Cardiac Rehabilitation would normally just involve exercise classes but Cardiac Lauren members have access to much more than this.
Cardiac Lauren members enjoy a variety of exercise levels, styles and class lengths. They are also provided with regular videos on subjects such as relaxation & stretching techniques, nutrition advice, and the latest medical research, plus a WhatsApp group where they can chat with fellow members.
The classes have been specifically designed as the next stage in the progression of a person’s fitness level after completing their 8-12 sessions of Phase 3 Cardiac Rehabilitation (locally at the Surbiton Health Centre with the Healthy Hearts team or from any other local area providing Phase 3 Cardiac Rehabilitation).
Anyone who has had any of the following cardiac conditions can come along to the classes:-
♥ Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction (MI) – STEMI & NSTEMI)
♥ Stent(s) (PPCI or PCI – no limit to the number of stents)
♥ By-pass surgery (CABG – no limit to the number of by-passes)
♥ Valve repair or replacement (tissue or mechanical), including TAVI
♥ Pacemaker
♥ Stable angina
♥ Medically managed heart conditions
♥ Arrhythmia (Atrial Fibrillation & irregular heart rates)
♥ If you have been told you are at risk of having a heart event in the next five years.

It is a very social class so you can chat as you exercise to help pass the time!
Even if you do not have any medical conditions and want to come and join in then you are welcome.
Exercising regularly will:
♥ Lower your blood pressure
♥ Burn fat
♥ Help lower cholesterol
♥ Increase fitness and stamina levels
♥ Reduce symptoms of angina
♥ Strengthen and stabilise arthritic joints
♥ Increase confidence and well-being
♥ Increase flexibility
♥ Reduce stress, anxiety and depression
♥ Increase energy
♥ Better sleep patterns

Please call 020 8395 1177 or email Lauren at [email protected] before turning up to a class.